Import CSV for address list — confusing behavior?

About Support Directory Import CSV for address list — confusing behavior?

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    Avatar for kgourlaykgourlay

    I have been starting to set up my new install of Church Admin. At first I created the people list from my existing WordPress user list. That was a great start. But then we had a spreadsheet of some of our members with more complete name and address information — these are essentially our active members. So I formatted this spreadsheet so I could use the Import CSV feature to update all this information.

    I found the documentation to be confusing, at least to me, related to the checkbox for “Overwrite current address details.” Because these people were already in the system I didn’t want to create new people entries for them. So I checked the box to overwrite, expecting that it would update name and address information from the CSV. But that’s not what it did. It deleted ALL the people, including the ones that were not in the CSV, and then added new people from the CSV. As a result, I lost the people who were not in the CSV, plus it messed up my rota and roles for people that I had already gotten set up for that.

    I didn’t keep experimenting to try to figure out what would happen if instead I didn’t check the box. But I am not sure if this is the designed behavior or not. Either way, I would suggest updating the documentation to be more explicit about these functions. If “Overwrite” is supposed to delete all current people, maybe the checkbox should say “delete all people” or maybe that could even be a separate function independent of uploading a CSV. If “Overwrite” is not selected will it only create new people or will it update people if they already exist?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    “Overwrite” deletes all current information (but not their underlying user accounts).

    Best to import the CSV with Overwrite option.
    Then you can connect the users in bulk (and create users for anyone with a GDPR reason and an email store). That’s in People> Create Users

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Also just adding logic to connect users account to an entry with that email address during import (only once per user account through, using first row that has that email, not subsequent rows with the same email)


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