How to link Sermon Series block with Player

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  • #5869
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    I’ve used the Sermon Series block, but I am struggling to know what to put in “Columns” or “Sermon Page URL” to make it actually work.
    I’ve tried putting the full URL of the page with the sermon player (podcast) on it (including the https://), but that doesn’t help – it just re-loads the Sermon Series page with the suffix ?sermon-series=xxx (where xxx is the title of the series I clicked).
    Please help.
    Thank you

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I’d forgotten to remove the columns field as it is fixed at 3.

    The Sermon page URL should indeed be the page where the sermon player is and then clicking a series image takes you that page with the series selected.

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thank you for this,
    The URL doesn’t seem to be working, then – clicking one of the Sermon Series choices just reloads the page where the Sermon Series block is located. Accordingly, when I put the podcast block on that same page, it did correctly update the podcast block to the sermon series I selected. (But I had originally wanted to put the Sermon Series block on a different page to the player.)

    It does the same on your demo page, by the way.

    Thank you for your help,

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Will take a proper look again!

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    It works now.
    Thank you!

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