How to implement Settings -> Permissions

About Support Installing Church Admin How to implement Settings -> Permissions

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  • #3098
    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Embarrassingly, we have never configured this page.
    Firstly because I am not sure of the implications.
    Secondly because we use the “User Menus” plugin to keep people from things they should not see.
    I know this method is inadequate so it is time for me to tackle security.

    Is this page where we specify who can administer or who can see the items?

    How does the Settings -> Roles page affect this?

    What are the implications that I might not think of?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    All backend church admin plugin functions do a check to see if the user is logged in and has permission to do what they are trying to do.
    Permissions are set in one of two ways – by user level or by named people.

    I use Church Admin>Settings>Roles and restrict backend functionality by user roles – the default for the plugin is administrator (actually manage_options).

    Church Admin>Settings>Permissions sets the ability to do back end functions by people’s names (if their name in the directory is connected to a user account!). That is useful if you want say John Smith to be able to edit the directory, but not create posts. His user level in WP would be Subscriber, but you name him as able to do the directory backend.
    It’s possible to lock yourself out of Church Admin if you use the permissions method and don’t name yourself. But a site admin can reset it!

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Thank you so much. That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for explaining it thoroughly.

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