Household photos not applying

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  • #2861
    Avatar for jmabryjmabry

    When a user uploads a photo for the household, it successfully uploads, however, it is not associated with their entry. I can see the photos that were uploaded in WP Media. Photos for individual people seem to work with no problem.

    Any ideas?


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Yes, have fixed for next week’s update!

    Avatar for jmabryjmabry

    I updated to Version 2.2680 and I’m still getting the same behavior. Admins can set family photos from the back end with no problem, however no user is able to set the photo from the front end registration. Users can successfully upload (it shows up in Media), but the photo is not associated with the household, so it’s not showing in the front end directory. Is there anything I need to do on my end for this to work?


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That’s honed the issue down – will take a look.

    Avatar for jmabryjmabry

    I think I spoke too soon! I updated to version 2.2690 and all is working now!

    Thanks again for this great product!Laugh

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