Hiding App “Page” Titles

About Support App Hiding App “Page” Titles


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  • #6700
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Is it possible to have an option hide the page titles so that the app frame can start with an image, please?
    For maximum flexibility this would be on a page-by-page basis rather than a blanket “hide-all” / “show all” approach.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    In the app settings section you can add CSS. This will remove titles


    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Thanks Andy,
    This works across the board. However, it’s thrown up two interesting anomalies…

    Firstly, on my wife’s old Lenovo tablet (Android Version 6.0.1):
    – the page titles of the pages I have created don’t appear, and
    – the page titles of the default pages are not reading the amended menu titles (e.g. it says, “Latest News” when the menu option is “News”)

    Secondly, on my phone (new Samsung A52), the “Groups” page now seems to default to the default setting as if there were nothing in the “Groups” page under “App Content”. Only if I refresh the page do I get the header and information I have entered, with the default information underneath. I didn’t notice this happening before I changed the CSS for titles (and then took the CSS out again).

    Lastly, thank you for pointing out the CSS section – this has answered another one of my questions. Brilliant!

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