Google Maps & User edit issue

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    Avatar for keasterdaykeasterday

    I have a frustrating issue. I am successfully showing the directory, but the map doesn’t show up. It is just an empty box where the graphic should be. Where does “map1” come from? I have setup the venue.

    Secondly, whenever I edit a user and save, when I go back in to edit the user, the photo is no longer attached, though it still shows up in the main church admin screen. Also, WP information is reset. For instance, if I edit myself, and save, when I go back in, I have to set the WP user again.

    Any help is appreciated. I really like the plugin for what it does, and hope I can use it as it is supposed to function.


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    The directory map feature shows where a person’s home is.
    To display use map=1 in the shortcode for the directory.
    [church_admin type="address-list" member_type_id=1,3 map=1 api_key=#]

    But first of all you need to do some setup (I’ll do a proper tutorial soon!)

    If you are have more than about 50 people in your church, you’ll need an api key from google – because they throttle how many times they will serve a map to your site – sign up at
    Once you have an api key then you can put that in the shortcode.

    Secondly you need to make sure that people’s addresses are geocoded – when you edit an address you can use the map to drag and drop a pin before saving

    Once that is all done, the images will show nicely.

    The user issue I will look into – what version of the Church Admin plugin are you using?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Should all be fixed now with v0.5955
    Let me know

    Avatar for keasterdaykeasterday

    Andy, thanks for the response.

    I still get no picture for the map in the user directory. Here is my code:

    [church_admin type=address-list member_type_id=3,4,5,6 photo=1 map=1 api_key=A###]

    I can see the pin placement on the map when I change the address. But still no joy on the directory page.

    When I click on the empty box, I get taken to google maps.

    My other issue is fixed with the update.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I used your api key (which I have now removed from your post for safety) to generate an image and got this response

    The Google Maps API server rejected your request. This API project is not authorized to use this API.

    So please go to

    And follow this…

    You need to enable Static Maps API and the Google Maps Javascript v3 API

    Avatar for keasterdaykeasterday

    Thanks for that instructional video. It works now.

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