French translation

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  • #2972
    Avatar for dleighdleigh

    Can anyone tell me if there is a French translation or if anyone is working on one?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It’s not yet translated enough! WordPress include a translation when it has reached 95% so there is a way to go.
    The project is at – if you want to help register in the top right corner. It’s quickest to get a translation sorted if you become an editor for a plugin translation so you can approve your own.

    Avatar for dleighdleigh

    I have the Pro+ version of Poedit with DeepL translations. I’d like to simply run the untranslated strings through and then import them for inclusion. I need to get this translated quickly and I’d rather have sub-optimum translations than mixed languages or none. Is that a problem?
    I had assumed that once I’d created the .mo and .po from poedit and put them in the /languages folder that would work – but it didn’t do anything. What does the process on do that I’m not doing and how soon would it be available to me once I’ve imported the missing translations?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    WordPress now puts translations for plugins in /wp-content/languages/plugins/ so I can get rid of the folder in my plugin now (never looked to see what they did until this evening!)

    Best to export from
    Do your translation magic. Pop it into the right folder on your site when done.
    If you can upload it, it may get passed and be usable by everyone. You need to register/login to export and import. You can apply to be an editor to approve your uploaded strings.

    Avatar for dleighdleigh

    Ok – once I got the naming of the files right and put in the right place, my translations took. Many thanks!

    Avatar for dleighdleigh

    I have found the occasional string that doesn’t seem to be in the exported stable release. For example:

    “Small group oversight structure”

    I’m guessing that’s in the latest release?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    No idea why some strings are missing, that one is correctly done, so should be
    Did you upload the translation file to the repository, so others can benefit? If you don’t have an account. Could you send to me at so I can get it on there please

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