Every Other Entry on our Media Page is “Whited Out”

About Support Media Every Other Entry on our Media Page is “Whited Out”

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  • #5601
    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    In order to make our web site easier on people’s eyes we use a dark background; which works well on most of our pages. But we have noticed that on our sermon page ( https://kotp.org/sermons-lessons/ ) every other sermon entry is whited out and you cannot read it. We did not have this problem before so I do not know if it has something to do with the dark background we are using or whether it happened with a recent update. Do you have any suggestions?

    P.S. I also noticed that the font on our church directory is hard to read as well as it is black by default. Is there any way to change the font color with the shortcodes?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Hi Rick,

    Ouch that doesn’t look good – I’ve not changed that in a long while.
    You can adjust it yourself fairly easily.

    Dashboard>Appearance>Customize (More instructions https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-easily-add-custom-css-to-your-wordpress-site/)
    Then scroll down and click on Additional CSS
    and add the following

    .ca-media-list-item:nth-child(even), .ca-series-list-item:nth-child(even){color:rgba(54, 54, 54, 1)!important}

    Then click publish at the top

    The first line makes the alternate media lines the site’s dark grey
    The second line should make all the directory text white

    Avatar for Pastor AndresPastor Andres

    Here is the css you need ( I believe)

    .ca-media-list-item:nth-child(2n), .ca-series-list-item:nth-child(2n) {
    background-color: #545454;

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Thank you men so much for your help! I really know little about CSS but with your suggestions I think I can get it to work.

    Avatar for rrfranksrrfranks

    Andy, I entered your css code into my settings and it kept the background white, but it changed the speaker & date to a brownish font that shows up just fine. However, the font on the title of the sermon is still white (so it does not show up with the white background). Is there something I could add to change the font of the title to the brownish color as well. I never could get the directory font to change to white, but that is OK. Right now, most of our people use the app.

    Thank you for all your help!

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