Email sending as HTML in Text

About Support Bulk email Email sending as HTML in Text

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  • #2764
    Avatar for GavinGavin

    I am experiencing a strange one. Emails have started going out with HTML tags in text format. Example below(That is the body of the email sent for the rota:

    Dear Gavin Urquhart,

    Dear Gavin Urquhart,

    Better late than never, I hope….

    Rota for Sunday AM Service at Main Venue on 8th January 2018 at 10:30:00

    Job Who
    Sermon Gavin Urquhart
    Duty Leader Gavin Urquhart
    Worship Leader Gavin Urquhart
    Keyboard Gavin Urquhart
    Welcomer Gavin Urquhart
    PA Gavin Urquhart
    Coffee Gavin Urquhart

    My mail sender is Mailbank and it sends test messages fine. Even the Churchadmin Debug email sends with the tags.
    Subject: Church Admin Test Email

    Test email from the church admin plugin

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That’s strange! It works fine for us…
    Have you/hosting company made any changes to your server? The plugin sets the mail type to html for instant send and queued email so it should work.
    Have a look at the message source in your email program and see what is in the header section – it should have something like
    Content-Type: multipart/alternative; or Content-Type:text/html in it.
    If not something has happened at the server level or Mailbank (no idea what that is by the way!)

    Avatar for GavinGavin

    Strangely this is now fine. It fixed it’s self. For about 1 week all my emails were “broken”. Then today, all good.

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