Editing people

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  • #3840
    Avatar for dflahautdflahaut

    I’ve wordpress 4.8.2 with church admin 1.16
    I imported a csv file with some mistakes … but I will correct these errors.
    But there is always problems when editing people : church admin don’t remember : Sex, Site.
    Any idea ?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Fixing bugs on editing people at the moment.
    Gender is fixed for next update, will check site now

    Avatar for dflahautdflahaut

    it seems that the maps aren’t also remembered …

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Where is that happening? Please post the url and I can work it out

    Avatar for dflahautdflahaut

    I just upgraded church admin and I have this message :

    Données WordPress : Can’t DROP ‘departements’ ; check that column/key exists
    church_admin_people DROP COLUMN departments

    What do you mean about that ?

    Avatar for dflahautdflahaut

    About map :
    nb : there is a message : “one of the parameters of you Google MAP API request is wrong”

    And I click on the link “edit Adress:”.
    A map is coming and I click on “please click here to …”
    The right adress is found.
    I “save Address” …
    The page appears without map !
    What should I do ?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    DROP departments: Old versions had a column that isn’t used anymore in the database. On the next upgrade I will make it checks the column is there before trying to get rid of it.

    The Google Maps issue…
    It’s a problem with your api key. The display household map uses the Static Map api and edit address uses the Javascript api –
    i) You need a key
    ii) You need to make sure your domain is correct eg *.churchadminplugin.com/* The * allows for any page and www and non www
    iii) You need to enable “Google Static Maps API” and “Google Maps JavaScript API”

    All of that is done at https://console.developers.google.com/apis – it’s a pain to get it set up and changes take 10 mins to work. But once you have it setup it will work!

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Fixing bugs on editing people at the moment.
    Gender is fixed for next update, will check site now  

    Gender is fixed OK
    Person Type still reverts back to ADULT in drop down and has to be resetEmbarassed

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It’s definitely fixed for the next update!

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    It’s definitely fixed for the next update!  

    Now Fixed
    Thanks again Andy

    Avatar for chrispriorchrisprior


    I am getting the same error with Google MAPS API is incorrect. I have just checked all the settings on Google and can find nothing wrong.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle


    Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis
    Click on your project (if you have more than one after logging in) and then the Key icon on the left.
    If you are http://www.breadsallchurch.co.uk
    allowed referrers should be
    And then make sure Google Maps Javascript API and Google Maps Static Api are enabled.
    Wait ten minute and browse to your church website and a page that requires the map – using Google Chrome, right click and click on inspect and then click on Console to see if there are any errors.

    Any javascript errors will kill the maps working – often it’s another plugin causing the problem.
    If the issue is just with maps, google will tell you what is wrong in more detail. Post a screenshot or copy and paste and I may be able to advise further…

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