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editing people record sets date of birth to 0000-00-00

About Support Directory editing people record sets date of birth to 0000-00-00

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  • #2527
    Avatar for mkirchhoefermkirchhoefer

    running church_admin in a german environment (define(‘WPLANG’, ‘de_DE’);)

    When editing a people’s record, the date_of_birth is displayed as it is stored in the database e.g. Mai 26, 1982 for 1982-05-26
    When pressing “save” that date is failing the “church_admin_checkdate($_POST)” in directory.php line #247 and the date_of _birth is cleared to 0000-00-00.

    This makes it impossible to handle birthdays with the directory


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    And also the dates of member levels – fixed for 0.572

    The problem is there is no php way of accurately converting non English dates to database format reliable, so I had begun to just do date entry as YYYY-MM-DD e.g. 2013-09-28 but forgotten to echo that for previous entries – left it the old way.

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