Editing Members

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  • #2729
    Avatar for 365sussex365sussex


    I am currently evaluating the plugin for inclusion on a church website I am creating and cannot find how to change a postal address from the admin screens for when a Person / household moves home and also it is not clear how to remove someone from a household in event of child moving out.

    Can you explain how to do this as a church admin….

    At the same time from the non admin page address list page via shortcode “[church_admin type=address-list member_type_id=2 photo=1 map=1 site_id=0 loggedin=TRUE]” if you try to edit a member of a Household you just appear to be on register screen rather than edit i.e. all fields blank but on an individual pre-filled with existing held details

    Also is it possible for people to elect to not be shown in address list at all

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    In the admin area, search for the household you want to edit…
    If you click on the last name, it will bring up the whole household, with various edit links, including an Edit Address link
    If you click on the address it brings up the address edit screen
    If you click on a first name, you can edit that person.

    On the whole household screen (accessed by clicking on the surname) there is a Move link. That will allow you to create a new household at the same address with that person, or add them to a different household.

    On the front end, you can use a shortcode to display the address list and there is a register shortcode too.
    If you view an address list an edit link will appear against your household for non admins and on every single household for admins.

    To not be shown on the address list edit the address and check the private checkbox at the bottom.

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