directory photos

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  • #2589
    Avatar for jeradbjeradb

    I think it would be cool if you added a photo to the directory. I would also like to see the ability to add all the members to a page were you could have an online members directory for all members.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Haven’t condsidered photos will think about adding that. I’m looking at making the directory far more useful by making a family a group of individuals with different roles etc, rather than just a single database record. A photo would be easy to add!

    You can add the online members directory to any page or post using the shortcode

    [church_admin type=address-list]

    Making a family a group of individuals with different roles is a good idea as far as it goes. As I mentioned in my post under another topic, it would be good if individuals could have multiple contact information fields. As I have researched what is out there for church management software I found that most packages are very conventional in their definition of a “family” (which surprises me in this day and age when the family unit has been distorted in so many ways). In the inner city an individual may have father, mother, foster parent, grandparents, etc all at different addresses and the address the child is attached to can change from week to week. Also, a “family” can have siblings, half-siblings (with different surnames), foster kids, etc. Sometimes you want to create a mailing list to invite family members to an event; another time you want to get permissions; still other times you want to create a bus pickup list. Sorry to go on, but you get the point.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Can I suggest you try the Connections plugin which may be more useful to you – it allows for much more complicated family relationships

    Avatar for BrianCBrianC

    I need this as well. If I could just connect a user entry to a picture in the media folder, I would be ecstatic. Our users really love having a directory with pictures in it. I also don’t know how hard that would be to add to the PDF, but it would sure make my day (big time!).

    Thanx for all your work,

    Avatar for jblankenshipjblankenship

    Yes, adding the ability to upload Photos would make this plugin perfect, as it would meet all the needs i’ve been requested to add to the church site. THey want to keep a password protected directory, ability to enter and email monthly responsibilities, and the ability to email out special announcements to the group. We considered creating a FACEBOOK page to accomplish this but there was not a good way to keep all of that data private. IF we can add photos to the member’s page then this would be go to plugin. Right now we are considering CONNECTIONS, but it does not offer email support for entries.

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