Date Picker for Bible Readings is missing

About Support App Date Picker for Bible Readings is missing

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  • #7261
    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    It seems that the date picker for Bible Readings has gone missing again. I like the new streak feature though!

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It works on iOS. Are you using Android?

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    Yes, I am. I also heard from one of my congregants that theirs was missing on their iOS device.

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    Let me install the latest update to the plugin and see if that changes it.

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    Confirmed. I’ve installed two new updates since sending this message and I still cannot see a date picker.

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    Date picker seems to have returned. Not sure which update fixed it but, I’ll follow-up with my iPhone users to confirm that they are seeing it.

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