Custom Fields Display In Search

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  • #2826
    Avatar for SandyMSandyM


    We’ve added a custom field to hold the date that we obtained photo permission for using photos of children. This is now showing up in the search and filter options.

    An example can be seen here:

    If this continues we will end up with a very long list on this filtered list display! Is this the intended way it works, and is there a way to stop this displaying in this way?

    Thanks for your help.


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Never fear! When it gets to 20 items it will change to a drop down.
    Intrigued that you have so many “Funeral directors” as a member type!
    Also you should get those directory entries confirmed to comply with GDPR regulations.


    Avatar for SandyMSandyM

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the quick reply, glad to know the list won’t be endless!

    Yes, we work with a lot of different funeral directors – amazing how many there are. Maybe part of being and Anglican church that we don lots of funerals for people we have little connection otherwise with.

    We are still very much in the setup phase in moving from a different database so haven’t edited many of the individual records yet. We do have GDPR permission, we just haven’t listed it on the individual records yet! It’s actually been a good process to go through as the move has forced us to check all the records on our previous database and decide which ones to transfer to the new one.

    Thanks for your help,


    Avatar for SandyMSandyM

    Just taking another look at this would it be possible to have a flag set in the details of a custom field as to whether the info appears in the list of possible filters or not?

    I’ve just take a look at adding a text filed which might include all sorts of random information and this also appears in the list of possible filters which doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

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