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critical error when trying to edit household address from the front end

About Support Support critical error when trying to edit household address from the front end

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  • #9825
    Avatar for kgourlaykgourlay

    I’m getting this error when trying to edit my address from the front end (within the Church Admin Register block). I don’t think it’s related, but if I edit the page containing this block, the block editor is showing me an error as well: “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.”

    The PHP error appears to be a mismatch in the number of arguments being passed to a function. Not a null value, but just missing in the code. Must be a typo?

    2024-02-05 00:09:05.343237 [NOTICE] [260201] [>2601:lsapi] [STDERR] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function church_admin_frontend_address_form(), 2 passed in /home/admin/domains/ on line 575 and exactly 3 expected in /home/admin/domains/
    Stack trace:
    #0 /home/admin/domains/ church_admin_frontend_address_form()
    #1 /home/admin/domains/ church_admin_frontend_edit_address()
    #2 /home/admin/domains/ church_admin_front_end_register()
    #3 /home/admin/domains/ ca_block_register()
    #4 /home/admin/domains/ WP_Block->render()
    #5 /home/admin/domains/ render_block()
    #6 /home/admin/domains/ do_blocks()
    #7 /home/admin/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters()
    #8 /home/admin/domains/ apply_filters()
    #9 /home/admin/domains/ the_content()
    #10 /home/admin/domains/ require(‘…’)
    #11 /home/admin/domains/ load_template()
    #12 /home/admin/domains/
    2024-02-05 00:09:05.343296 [NOTICE] [260201] [>2601:lsapi] [STDERR] al-template.php(206): locate_template()
    #13 /home/admin/domains/ get_template_part()
    #14 /home/admin/domains/ include(‘…’)
    #15 /home/admin/domains/ require_once(‘…’)
    #16 /home/admin/domains/ require(‘…’)
    #17 {main}
    thrown in /home/admin/domains/ on line 1205

    Avatar for kgourlaykgourlay

    Debugging this because folks in my group want to be able to use the front end form, and I found another error in the people edit form in church-admin/includes/front_end_register.php.

    Around line 1130, there’s a duplicate checkbox for allowing sms messages, except that the label says “allow email” instead. There’s a checkbox earlier in the form for email permissions, so I think this checkbox should just be deleted.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I didn’t get the email from the site about your post. So just seen it. Will fix now!

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