COVID prebooking questions

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    Avatar for mbleighmbleigh


    I’m testing COVID Pre-booking and had two questions.

    1) How do you determine how many service dates are displayed that someone can choose from to select a booking? I started my schedule of service on 5/23/21 to be recurring every week for 52 weeks but the form is only showing the date 5/23 to pick from when attempting to book.

    2) If I change my shortcode admin email address and save it to a page, the booking notification email From: address still shows as my WordPress admin email address. Is there a way to override this?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Welcome to the support forum

    You can add days=7 to specify how many days ahead services bookings can be. So one week days=7, 2 weeks days=14 and so on.
    The from email address will be your normal admin email for the site. I can adjust that on next update to use the admin_email in shortcode.

    Avatar for GavinGavin

    Hi Andy,

    Long time no speak :-)…. Been a little otherwise busy. I’m finally getting the Pre-Booking rolling and wondered if there is a way to Adjust the wording slightly. I want to use it for not just Sunday services but other things we have on too. We have a toddlers group that is looking to resume for example. I really want to remove the word service and use just the text from the “Service” name. Also I would love to be able to add some pre-amble to the email that sends out reminding people about specific details etc.

    Is any of that currently possible in the shortcodes?


    Avatar for GavinGavin

    Sorry, I piggy backed onto another question. Will post up top.

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