[CLOSED] include email addresses in rota

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  • #2750 Mark as solved
    Avatar for Jack

    I’m trying to replace our current manual rota email with the rota service offered by your plugin but I’d like an option to include the email addresses of those people on the rota for that week so that people know which email address to contact. e.g.

    Job Who Email
    Worship Worship Person worship.person@email.com

    this way the worship team, preacher etc know the email addresses to contact each other



    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That’s doable, for neatness will probably make it an option and then make the name an obfuscated email link. The big but is data protection though. Do your people really want their email address on a public website page? In the UK we’d have to ask people first.

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    That’s doable, for neatness will probably make it an option and then make the name an obfuscated email link. The big but is data protection though. Do your people really want their email address on a public website page? In the UK we’d have to ask people first.  

    I have had to remove all email addresses from our site apart from the Church & myself (webmaster) because of unwanted SPAM
    If the email addresses were only included in the emails sent out for the current weeks rota then this would be acceptable

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