Church Member Locations

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  • #2652
    Avatar for chrispriorchrisprior


    The display of membership locations seems to be broken now. I registered a Google api and I can add new households and get the map to show up. However, trying to show the map with the shortcode as [church_admin_map member_type_id=# zoom=13 small_group=1] – zoom is Google map zoom level, small_group=1 for different colours for small groups, 0 for all in red is not working. I tried to add the api key but still nothing is displayed. Is there another update for this?

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    For some reason the google api server rejects the requests with an api key! Without you are allowed 90,000 images per day, so should be okay for most churches.

    Will be up for 0.921

    Avatar for chrispriorchrisprior

    The specific code is still not working. What I am trying to show is the map with markers for ALL of the church members. It used to work, but is not working now. The code is:
    [church_admin_map member_type_id=# zoom=13 small_group=1]

    Not sure what the issue is.


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Working for next update.

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