Can’t Restrict Access

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  • #3034
    Avatar for seanmcintseanmcint

    Not sure whether this properly belongs under address list but here goes

    I’ve created a new type of ‘virtual member’ for those who wish to join us from online but have never attended in person. For obvious reasons, I don’t want them to have access to the address list.

    I started by setting the member type ID in the address list short code but soon realised that this was for filtering the type of people in the directory. So, I then wrapped the address list in the resticted shortcode, like this:

    [church_admin type="restricted" member_type_id="5"]

    [church_admin type="address-list" member_type_id="2" photo="1" map="1" site_id="0" pdf="0" loggedin=TRUE]


    Unfortunately it’s now restricting for ALL member types. Is this a bug or is it me?

    Thanks in advance

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Are you getting a message “You are not permitted to view this content” or is it showing nothing.
    I suspect the latter as that restricted shortcode doesn’t process a shortcode.

    But having no_show_member_type_id=”5″ would be a useful addition to the address-list shortcode. Will put it on the to-do list.

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