Bulk upload of Bible Readings

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  • #6834
    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    When I create a CSV file for the Bible readings I’m encountering two issues:
    1) The link to the reading returns a “Page not found” error when I get to Bible Gateway. Though, the audio seems to be working fine.
    2) An extra entry seems to be created as well. For example, if I have two readings I see:
    “Read on Genesis 1”
    “Read on Genesis 2”
    “Read on ”

    With a straggling third “read on” appended to the end of the reading.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Can you send me the CSV file please?

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo
    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    Just tried to send an update on this but, I think the post was moderated. Let me know if you need me to re-submit it.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Next update (v 3.6.65) will fix this going forward (you’ll need to delete current broken bible readings though).

    The issue was that although biblegateway.com is a US site, it doesn’t recognise US style Bible reference rendering šŸ˜‰
    It accepts “1 Chronicles” but rejects “1st Chronicles”.

    I had a function that corrected all the different English renderings to a form it understands for the link, but forgot to use it for Bulk Bible Reading Publish.

    FYI all the renderings I could think of for “1 Chr” are ‘1 Chronicles’,’1 Chron’,’1 Ch’,’I Ch’,’1Ch’,’1 Chr’,’I Chr’,’1Chr’,’I Chron’,’1Chron’,’I Chronicles’,’1Chronicles’,’1st Chronicles’,’First Chronicles’

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