Bulk sms difficulty

About Support Bulk SMS Bulk sms difficulty

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  • #7239
    Avatar for tghbigdogtghbigdog

    Setting up the sms:

    I got a Twilio account. I bought a phone number and set up the SID and the token. I do a push to test it and get this message:
    Preparing to send to…

    Terry Hopkins
    Push message(s) sent successfully

    It pops up on my phone as a notification, but when I go to messages it is sometimes blank.

    But if I use the send SMS option and select myself and send a message I get:

    Send SMS

    on a blank grey screen. No notice or dialogue.


    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Not sure I totally understand what the problem is, but check these steps..

    You have a Twilio SID and token saved in Church Admin
    You have a user account connected to your directory entry
    You have put your name as the one to get push notifications on the app when a SMS reply comes in.

    Are you getting the SMS in your phone message app?
    You are getting the Church Admin push notifications, but are you saying you sometimes don’t get anything in the SMS replies section of the app?
    Are you saying the SMS reply section of the Our church app or website is not working for you?

    There does seem to be a new bug when replying from phone SMS app – where it is not showing in the Our Church app SMS replies thread, when notification is touched. But it does show in the SMS replies page of the Our Church App. Will look at that

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Just updating the plugin with a fix for SMS replies (v3.6.63)

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