Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode?

About Support Bulk email Bulk Email Unsubscribe Shortcode?

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  • #2715
    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Inserting this into the bulk emails does not work for me.
    It just repeats the text including brackets in the email. See:-


    Adding the shortcode to any web page returns
    “You have been unsubscribed from emails” See:-


    Irrespective of being logged in or not it has done nothing

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It’s not working because you’ve put it in the wrong place! The shortcode is for a page that you leave out of the menu, so it’s not “visible”.
    The plugin detects that you have a page with the shortcode on and then when you send an email, it generates an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email (but not for the cache as the unsubscribe link is tied to the recipient)
    If a user clicks the unsubscribe link in the email, it’ll take them to the page with the unsubscribe link and flag in the database they no longer want to receive emails.

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Thanks Andy

    I had the shortcode which was in a test Post instead of a Page
    Now I have it in the correct Page it works


    Bulk emails have the unsubscribe link in the footer and link to the unsubscribe page

    Where can I find if the email address has been flagged and can it be reversed?

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    The unsubscribe links in the emails works in as much as they link to the unsubscribe page but they do not appear to be flagged in the database as two emails I unsubscribed still receive the bulk emails. Cry

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Fixed for update 1.0977

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Thanks Cool

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    Still not working 1.0977
    Directory listing now shows deactivate option but does not link to anything.
    Bulk email link in emails is the same for each person in that batch of emails it links to the unsubscribe page but does nothing.
    I feel sure this link should be unique to each recipient

    Irena http://www.holytrinitymatlockbath.org.uk/unsubscribe//?ca_unsub=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    Allen http://www.holytrinitymatlockbath.org.uk/unsubscribe//?ca_unsub=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
    Flash http://www.holytrinitymatlockbath.org.uk/unsubscribe//?ca_unsub=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    No idea why you are getting that the code creates an MD5 hash of the individual’s people id which will be different for every person.

    if you click on Deactivate in the address list there’s an ajax call that deactivates the person and then they are greyed out. I’ll make it look like a link.

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    This is from the address list:-

    Edit Delete Deactivate Bob CRABB Adult 01629 #### 07919###### ########@btinternet.com

    Edit and Delete link OK but Deactivate has no link

    The source for Deactivate has no link

    Edit Delete Deactivate Bob CRABB

    Tell me this is because we use an old PHP Version : 5.3.5 and I will have another go at the Web Hosting Cry

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Deactivate is not a link, but has some jquery magic that works if you click it anyway. It does it without refreshing the page.

    Nothing to do with the PHP version this time!

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Cracked the unsub link issue finally.

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Cracked the unsub link issue finally.  

    Maybe! Embarassed but the emails now go out without the unsubscribe link Surprised

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Will take another look!

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @andymoyle said:
    Will take another look!  

    Bulk emails go out without the unsubscribe link in the footer of the message

    Avatar for AllenAllen

    @Allen said:
    Bulk emails go out without the unsubscribe link in the footer of the message  

    Unsubscribe link now goes out in the email and as expected is a different link for each person.
    Link is to the unsubscribed page but the user account is not deactivated.
    Likewise a manually deactivated account cannot be reactivated from this page.

    I will send you a test email for you to see for yourself

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