Birth Dates in Directory

About Support Directory Birth Dates in Directory

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  • #2873
    Avatar for LelandLeland

    Hi Andy! – In our small group, we have several ladies who do not want to reveal the birth year for their birthdate – LOL! Is it necessary to put the birth year in the directory or should I just put the birth year to show all adults as 18 years old regardless of which year is accurate?
    Thanks in advance!

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    That’s funny! We only enter birthdays for kids at our church!

    Avatar for Samantha

    I’m with the original poster, we would like to recognize birthdays on our site but not have to give an age. The ladies of my organization would not be happy if I posted their ages.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Plugin v2.2770…
    The widget control now has a checkbox for show age and the shortcode defaults no age, use show_age=TRUE if you want it to show

    Avatar for Rich CoxRich Cox

    Hi Andy,

    Really pleased to see the birthday’s are now working well. Is it possible to revisit the shortcode only showing the birthday and not the year please? I’ve tried the boolean show_age=FALSE, but it still shows.

    Many thanks,

    Avatar for Rich CoxRich Cox

    Afternoon Andy,

    I’ve been trying to show member birthdays, but not showing age or birth year, i.e. Rich Cox – 20th May etc… I’ve used the shortcode and the widget but am unable to get rid of the year of birth. As some of our, lets just say ladies of a sensitive age, don’t want their age showing, is it possible to do this with css?

    Many thanks, appreciate all the hard work you put into this.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Oh it uses the WordPress date format setting

    Avatar for Robert Shaw

    Thank you, Andy, for adding the show_age short code.
    I have the same issue many of our members want to see everyone’s birthdate, while hiding the year of their own birth.
    Although the short code definition says: “show_age=FALSE stops the year and age displaying!”, the year shows regardless of the flag, apparently depending on the WordPress formatting.
    As an interim fix, I have changed the WordPress date format to Custom: F j fixing this section, but it also affects the dates shown for posts and pages.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    I’ve taken out the year for show_age=FALSE and use jS M as the date format “2nd Dec” – hopefully that okay for US folks!

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