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Bible Reading view shows “undefined” in the date selection dropdown.

About Support App Bible Reading view shows “undefined” in the date selection dropdown.

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  • #6210
    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo

    I just updated the plugin and now, when I go into my Bible Reading view, it shows the current reading just fine, but, it returns “undefined” in the dropdown for selecting another day.

    Also, any date beyond today is unavailable. I’m concerned that it may stop showing the Bible readings after today.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    What are using it on iOS or Android – have you updated the app?
    And are you using uploaded CSV notes or using the custom post type?

    Avatar for kcclemokcclemo


    I’m not seeing any updates available in the Play store so I’m assuming that it’s upt-to-date.

    I’m using the custom post type.

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