Andy, you are awesome. The church loves the app. So this is a huge leap forward for us.
For our church, we do not have individual images. Only household images. And people are always searching the directory so they can see a picture. (These women want to see photos).
Would you please update directory search in the next version, so that on search the household image would show if the individual photo does not exist.
1. Update the SQL to also get the household attachment id.
change this line
$sql=’SELECT a.*,b.address,,b.lng FROM ‘.CA_PEO_TBL.’ a, ‘.CA_HOU_TBL.’ b WHERE ‘.$sql_safe_search.’ a.household_id=b.household_id AND a.show_me=1 AND ‘.$sql_safe_membSQL.’ ‘.$peopleTypeSQL.’ ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_name ASC ‘;
$sql=’SELECT a.*,b.address,,b.lng,b.attachment_id as household_attachment_id FROM ‘.CA_PEO_TBL.’ a, ‘.CA_HOU_TBL.’ b WHERE ‘.$sql_safe_search.’ a.household_id=b.household_id AND a.show_me=1 AND ‘.$sql_safe_membSQL.’ ‘.$peopleTypeSQL.’ ORDER BY a.last_name,a.first_
name ASC ‘;
Then show the household image. At least include the household image if the individual image does not exist.
And add this 1 line inside the foreach( $results AS $row) loop
if(!empty( $row->household_attachment_id) )$person.='<p>’.wp_get_attachment_image( $row->household_attachment_id,’medium’,”,array(‘class’=>’household-image’,’loading’=>’lazy’) ).'</p>’;