App calendar edits not working

About Support App App calendar edits not working

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  • #9701
    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    I have tried to update an event via the app, but it hasn’t worked…
    1. The “Choose Admin Task” drop down is permanently visible underneath the selection box.
    2. When I edited the event (single event) – just a spelling in the address box – it had also taken the event category away.
    3. When I saved my alterations, I got an error message: “Oops – perhaps Church Admin needs updating or website is down error”

    The updates to my event have not been made.

    I’m on app version 34.1 and the plugin is version 4.0.11

    I’ll update the event via the web portal, but hope you can fix it.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    Got your separate email! Should be fixed now

    Avatar for Mark.DunstanMark.Dunstan

    Hello again,
    I got the same problem again last night.
    I just wanted to alter the date of an existing event (which had been put in incorrectly).
    Sadly, I received the same error message as before on saving, and the change was not saved.
    I’m on version 4.0.18 now.
    Again, I’ve updated the event on the web-portal.
    With all best wishes for Christmas!

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