Agenda question

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  • #2571
    Avatar for pbmacpbmac

    The items are in an odd order, definitely not by date. How do I get them in date & time order.

    I also noticed that if I used 6:30 instead of 18:30 the event was listed earlier than the 10:00 (a.m.) event. While this makes sense, is there a way to avoid this? I would like to show times on the calendar as well – and use a.m./p.m. instead of 24 hour clock.

    Thanks again…have a great evening

    Avatar for pbmacpbmac

    The widget is very nice…will probably use that instead of the Agenda mode.

    I do see that it converts the time to 12 hour clock instead of 24….but it has a leading ‘0’, so 18:30 comes out as 06:30pm…

    So, I am not going to worry about the Agenda output at this point…I like the widget.

    Thanks again for a great tool….we are going to really get use out of this.

    Avatar for Andy MoyleAndy Moyle

    It’d would be worth adding an option to choose how time is displayed. Will add to the to do list and sort agenda view sorting!

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