Small groups pdf

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Small groups

Are vital for any church that is growing past 50 – they provide a great way of people caring for one another, discipleship and even friendship evangelism. The early church met in small groups and gathered the whole church together (Acts 2:42-47). In the Old Testament, Moses was told in no uncertain terms to structure Israel in 10s, 50s, 100s…

I keep trying to simplify church administration! Creating a document that listed our small groups was a time consuming task for us! No more – with 90 mins coding our PDF that used to take a lot of fiddling to fit, is now available at a click of a link on the Groups tab and any page that has the small group list shortcode or Gutenberg block.

You can print them out for those that aren’t tech savvy! The background is a map graphic. You can change the PDF title using the Gutenberg options or title=”new title” in the shortcode. The default is a translation of “Small groups” for your locale.


So the great Schedule/Roster vote was resoundingly… Schedule. I did get a very helpful email proving that Schedule was semantically correct in the US, but in a democracy we sometimes have to live with the “wrong” choice made šŸ˜‰

Support plugin development with the app

Smartphone ownership is rising fast…

95% of Americans own a cellphone and 77% a smartphone. 


If you don’t have the app yet, it’s a worthwhile investment for most age groups in your church – it’s free for your congregation to install on their device and only GB Ā£7.50 / US $10 per month for the church to buy into. It will mean your congregation can catch up with sermon mp3s, your schedule/rota/roster, calendar, groups, classes and even check into services and classes.

Getting a church subscription funds plugin development too!

Every blessing

Andy Moyle

Subscribe to the app now




Andy Moyle is an experienced church planter based in the United Kingdom. He helps to serve and shape church planting in the mainland of Europe for the Relational Mission family of churches. The Church Admin plugin has been a labour of love for nearly 20 years serving the worldwide church and is used by churches of 50 and churches of thousands!